Background/Purpose: A role for the genitofemoral nerve (GFN) and its neurot
ransmitter, CORP, in testicular descent has been well established, The exac
t mechanism, however, by which circulating androgens act on the GFN is not
yet known. The authors studied the sensory nucleus of the GFN (L1-L2 dorsal
root ganglia [DRG]) to determine whether it is sexually dimorphic and able
to be influenced by intrauterine antiandrogen treatment.
Methods: Sprague-Dawley rats were injected daily with 100 mg/kg/d of the an
tiandrogen flutamide on day 16 to 19 of pregnancy. Control animals were tre
ated with vehicle only. At the age of 2 to 3 days the newborn rats underwen
t unilateral dissection of the GFN. The proximal end was labelled with fluo
rescent dye, diamidinophenyl indole. The rats were killed 48 hours later, a
nd the relevant ganglia (L1,L2) were removed. Cryostat frozen serial sectio
ns were cut, and retrogradely labelled fluorescent cells were counted under
an epifluorescence microscope. In 32 animals, the cells were double fluore
scent labelled with antibody to CORP and FITC.
Results: Of 75 rats evaluated, the mean number of the DAPI-positive, retrog
radely labelled cells in the control groups was 266 +/- 55 in the male, and
230 +/- 67 in the female as opposed to 186 +/- 45 and 161 +/- 35 in the fl
utamide-treated male and female groups, respectively. In 32 animals the DRG
sections were double labelled for CORP. The number of CORP plus DAPI-posit
ive cells were as follows: control males, 60 +/- 12; control females, 50 +/
- 9; flutamide males, 36 +/- 8; flutamide females, 40 +/- 10.
Conclusions: These findings show a sexual dimorphism in the number of GFN c
ell bodies in the DRG. Flutamide decreases the number of GFN cell bodies in
the DRG of both males and females. Our results are consistent with a role
for circulating androgens acting on the sensory nucleus of the GFN (DRG) in
stead of the motor nucleus as previously thought. The release of CORP from
the nerve endings may occur via the sensory branch of the GFN.