More than 60% of Mexico's soil and water resources has been identified as b
eing in a moderately to severely degraded condition. The objective for this
Mexico-United States project was to identify Best Management Practices tha
t could restore agricultural soil in the steep hillslopes of the Patzcuaro
Watershed in central Mexico. The use of no-till equipment and preserving a
moderate amount of crop residue (33% coaler) on soils having 8% slope reduc
ed roil loss 80%, and runoff 76%, compared to conventional tillage. Rainfal
l simulation studies indicated that water infiltration is enhanced almost t
hree-fold using no-till. improvement of water infiltration and deep-water p
ercolation would represent a significant modification of the local hydrolog
ic regime for fake recharge and soil moisture retention for cropland areas.
Using hydrologic process-based modeling with satellite images and Geograph
ical Information Systems allowed the extrapolation of point-based experimen
tal data to the watershed scale. This technology will provide the decision-
making elements needed to develop soil conservation plans and implement a n
ational program for conservation tillage in Mexico.