The TETRASUR project (TELematics TRAining for SURgeons) has investigated th
e effectiveness of distance-learning technologies in the delivery of traini
ng for doctors who are studying for membership of the Royal College of Surg
eons. Digital satellite television receivers and ISDN videoconferencing equ
ipment have been installed in hospitals to deliver the course modules, incl
uding a series of live television programmes transmitted by satellite. ISDN
videoconferencing was integrated, live, into the satellite broadcasts to b
ring in guest lecturers and for interactive discussions with the trainee do
ctors. Videoconferencing was also used for seminars and discussion groups.
These methods proved to be effective and popular with the doctors, although
there was some dissatisfaction with the visual quality of the ISDN videoco
nferencing at 128 kbit/s. Efforts are now being made to improve the quality
of the video feed from remote sites using ISDN at 384 kbit/s.