Cone-excitation ratios for pairs of surfaces are almost invariant under cha
nges in illumination and offer a possible basis for color constancy [Proc.
R. Sec. London Ser. B 257, 115 (1994)]. We extend this idea to the per cept
ion of transparency on the basis of the close analogy between the changes i
n color signals that occur for surfaces when the illumination changes and t
he changes in color signals when the surfaces are covered by a filter. This
study presents measurements and simulations to investigate the conditions
under which cone-excitation ratios are statistically invariant for physical
ly transparent systems. The invariance breaks down when the spectral transm
ission of the filters is low at some or all wavelengths. We suggest that co
ne-excitation ratios might be useful to define the stimulus conditions nece
ssary for the perception of transparency. (C) 2000 Optical Society of Ameri
ca. [S0740-3232(00)00602-5] OCIS codes: 330.1690, 330.1720, 330.7310, 330.1