The effect of shape parameters of seam puckering on its fractal dimension h
as been analyzed to evaluate the seam pucker of the garments. The shape of
seam puckering has been defined as three-dimensional waves that are generat
ed on the seam line and propagate to the edge Line. Five shape parameters a
re defined to characterize the wavy nature of seam pucker. An objective fiv
e-rating method of seam pucker, using fractal geometry, has been suggested
with the five AATCC reference puckered samples.
The 'Box Counting Method' has been employed to determine the fractal dimens
ion of seam puckers generated by the simulator, as well as measuring them w
ith a laser scanning system. The fractal dimensions of various seam puckers
with different shape parameters have been statistically analyzed through e
xperimental design. The five shape parameters of seam pucker distinctly aff
ect its fractal dimension. Also, the fractal dimension of each reference pu
ckered seam has been closely related to its AATCC seam pucker grade, Regres
sion analysis of the fractal dimension with the objective five-rating of se
am pucker has been conducted.
It has been shown that fractal geometry can be effectively used to objectiv
ely evaluate seam pucker. A new objective five-rating as well as a ten-rati
ng scale for a puckered seam using fractal geometry has been suggested as a
substitute for the conventional subjective AATCC five-rating method.