Hybridomas that secreted antibodies for aflatoxin B1 were selected using tw
o immunization protocols referred to as A and B. Protocol A is a standard i
mmunization method and resulted in the selection of only two clones that pr
oduced monoclonal antibodies against aflatoxin B1. In protocol B a unique i
mmunization schedule which resulted in the generation of 10 hybridomas is d
escribed. Of the 10, one antibody was highly specific to B1, four antibodie
s reacted equally strongly with B1, G1 and weakly with B2. Another four rea
cted strongly with B1 and weakly with B2 and G1. One clone reacted equally
strongly with B1, G1 and B2. Interestingly all the 10 antibodies showed lit
tle or no cross-reaction with G2.