The cover of noncoralline macroalgae increased dramatically on Caribbean re
efs during the 1980s and 1990s. A top-down hypothesis, based largely on obs
ervations at Discovery Bay, Jamaica, is that this change was caused by redu
ced herbivory. Herbivory was reduced by the regional mass mortality of the
echinoid Diadema antillarum in 1983-1984 and by human exploitation of herbi
vorous fishes. An alternative, bottom-up explanation is that nun-lent conce
ntrations increased past threshold levels for algal blooms. Surveys at Disc
overy Bay showed that Diadema reappeared on the shallow fore reef after 199
6, accompanied by drastically reduced macroalgal cover. There is no evidenc
e to suggest that nutrient levels declined at the same time. These observat
ions corroborate predictions of the top-down hypothesis, and they confirm t
he key role of herbivory in structuring shallow reef communities of the Car