Utilizing the high resolution of a reflection ultrasmall-angle scattering s
etup, the roughness replication in polymer single-layer and bilayer samples
is probed. Single films of fully brominated polystyrene (PBrS) as well as
bilayer films of polystyrene on top of PBrS and of PBrS on top of polyamide
-6I are investigated. Three different methods are presented to suppress the
replication: the use of thick films, the use of films of laterally heterog
eneous thickness, and the preparation from a solvent such that the polymer
has only a weak interaction with the substrate. For single-layer samples of
PBrS with increasing film thickness, the long-range correlation is decreas
ed. Conformal roughness was detected up to a film thickness of 18R(g) (1349
Angstrom) At a film thickness of 26R(g) (1989 Angstrom), an individual sca
ttering of the interfaces was observed. Irrespective of the roughness repli
cation behavior of the individual sublayers, the methods presented are able
to suppress the constraint of a morphology replication in bilayer films.