Background: The emphysematous pyelonephritis is a life-threatening complica
tion of a bacterial interstitial nephritis, and it occurs mainly in diabeti
cs. The infection with optional anaerobic microorganism, which are able to
produce gas, is supported by a reduced stare of resistance, a high glucose
level in the tissue in diabetic derailment and ischemia in the infected org
an, for example by a kidney infarction or by an obstructive uropathy. Mostl
y the inflammation occurs unilateral, only in 10% of all cases both kidneys
are affected. Computer tomography allows a fast diagnosis by demonstrating
gas accumulation in the kidney. Surgical measures and antibiotic therapy a
re the principal therapeutic methods.
Case Report: The example of a 55-year-old diabetic man with bilateral emphy
sematous pyelonephritis demonstrates the diagnostic and therapeutic possibi
lities. After a fast diagnostic procedure, immediate hemodialysis in uremia
and bilateral nephrectomy let the patient survive in a stable clinical con
dition dependent on regular dialysis treatment.