Verbal pragmatic aspects of discourse production were examined in 16 right
brain-damaged (RBD), 16 left brain-damaged (LED), and 16 normal control rig
ht-handed adults. The facilitation effect of emotional content, valence hyp
othesis, and relationship between pragmatics and emotion were evaluated. Pa
rticipants produced monologues while recollecting emotional and nonemotiona
l experiences. Transcribed monologues were rated for appropriate ness on 6
pragmatic features: conciseness, lexical selection, quantity, relevancy, sp
ecificity, and topic maintenance. Overall, brain-damaged groups were rated
as significantly less appropriate than normals. Consistent with the facilit
ation affect, emotional content enhanced pragmatic performance of LED aphas
ic participants yet suppressed performance of RED participants. Contrary to
the valence hypothesis, RED participants were more impaired for positive e
motions and LED participants for negative emotions. Pragmatic appropriatene
ss was not strongly correlated with a measure of emotional intensity.