In phase-shifting Fizeau interferometers, nonlinear motion of the phase shi
fter and multiple-beam interference are the most common sources of systemat
ic errors affecting high-precision phase measurement. A new class of algori
thms with extended compensating capability for these errors is proposed. Me
asurement errors for the new algorithms and two groups of conventional algo
rithms: discrete Fourier algorithms and the Schwider-Larkin-Hibino algorith
ms are estimated as a function of the number of sampled images when these s
ystematic error sources are equally dominant. It is shown that the conventi
onal phase-measuring algorithms produce significant errors when the reflect
ivity of the testing surface exceeds ten percent. Also, these algorithms ha
ve an optimum number of samples at around seven with which the residual err
ors become minimum. The new class of algorithms shows a substantial reducti
on of the residual errors when the number of samples exceeds ten. There is
no optimum number of samples for the new algorithms. For fewer than six sam
ples, discrete Fourier algorithms which have no error-compensating capabili
ty for the nonlinearity of phase modulation give a minimum error.