A hypercoagulable state and the risk of thromboembolism in both arterial an
d venous circulation is a relatively frequent and serious feature of nephro
tic syndrome (NS) in children and adults. The aim of this study was to eval
uate the coagulation states of children with NS before and after corticoste
roid (CS) therapy and to compare the results with a healthy control group.
The first group consisted of 49 nephrotic children (30 boys and 19 girls) w
ith a mean age of 6.5+/-4.9 years (range 1-16 years). The control group inc
luded 17 healthy children (9 boys and 8 girls). At the time of admission, a
ll patients were evaluated for the presence of clinical thromboembolism, he
matological and biochemical indicators of a hypercoagulative state, and ren
al disease. This was repeated after CS treatment. Deep vein thrombosis was
observed in 2 nephrotic patients who had very low plasma antithrombin III (
AT III) levels and fibrinogen levels above 750 mg/dl. Thus, the prevalence
of thromboembolism was 4% in our pediatric nephrotic population. The mean A
T III level of the study group was 68.2+/-23.4% at the onset of the disease
, which was significantly lower than the level of the control group (84.0+/
-7.6%). Plasma AT III levels increased to 74.4+/-15.3% after CS treatment.
which correlated with the serum albumin levels. However, there was no corre
lation with urinary protein excretion. Protein C levels were higher than co
ntrols during all stages of the disease in both steroid-responsive and -unr
esponsive patients. The mean protein S level was similar in both groups. Pl
asma fibrinogen and cholesterol levels were significantly higher in the stu
dy group but decreased to within normal limits with remission. Our study su
ggests that thromboembolic complications are not infrequent in children wit
h NS, and may be related to low plasma AT III and albumin and high fibrinog
en and cholesterol levels.