The results of the IUFRO Grand-fir provenance experiment in northern a
nd central Germany at age 18/19 are presented for height, diameter, vo
lume and losses. The experiment was planted on 13 sites, 12 of which a
re included here. The provenances represent the coastal part of the na
tural range in British Columbia, Washington and Oregon quite well. Fro
m the continental part only 3 Idaho provenances are included. In addit
ion to 41 IUFRO provenances 22 other provenances are included, 5 from
Vancouver Island and the rest from Oregon, where II represent elevatio
nal transsects. In height growth low and mean elevation provenances fr
om northern Washington, from Vancouver Island, Coastal Southern Washin
gton, and North Oregon are performing best. The same is true for diame
ter growth and volume with a slightly better performance of Oregon sou
rces in diameter due to the higher losses in the Oregon provenances. D
ifferences between test sites are considerable and explain roughly 2 t
hirds of total variation for quantitative characters. They are most dr
astic for losses, where also more rank change occur between provenance
s than for height and diameter. Volume differences of provenances rang
e from 30% to 176% of standard provenances mean. An overall ranking in
cluding height, diameter, and losses shows that 7 Washington provenanc
es, 3 B. C. provenances and 1 Oregon provenance surpass the overall me
an by at least 10%. Correlations with earlier measurements of the same
experiment demonstrate that early selection is not very precise and t
hat indirect selection would not have been possible with the character
s under consideration.