Types of ectomycorrhizae were studied in six different plots in anthropogen
ic altimontane spruce cultures on Pohoje (distric cambisol, 1200 m/a.s.l.,
potential beech sites). The plots were treated differently to prevent growt
h of grasses: the test plots were either covered by a cover or by cutting r
emains. The grass-covered plots were chosen in the immediate vicinity and t
he control plots in the relatively well preserved remains of a natural beec
h forest. In the samples of equal volume all roots were counted and types o
f ectomycorrhizae briefly characterised. In 20 soil samples, a total of 265
82 spruce roots were counted. Less than 1% were non-mycorrhizal and in aver
age 39% were old, non-turgescent types of ectomycorrhizae. The average numb
er of ectomycorrhizal types and percentage of mycorrhizal roots showed to d
epend on the treatment, whereby grass-covered plots showed lowest and the c
ontrol plots highest shares of mycorrhization. It was concluded that a mosa
ic distribution and removal of cutting remains heaps, in terms of location
and time, might be proposed as an adequate silvicultural measure for suppor
ting biodiversity of mycorrhizal fungi in these ecosystems.