It is important that healthcare professionals caring for the elderly in hos
pitals have a core knowledge of the orodental care requirements of their pa
tients; The aim of this study was to determine the knowledge and views of n
urses working on acute and rehabilitation care of the elderly wards about o
rodental care. One hundred nurses and healthcare assistants took part in th
is questionnaire study of which 58 were qualified nurses and 70 had been em
ployed on care of the elderly wards for two or more years. Although the maj
ority of the respondents were registered with a dentist and attended regula
rly 40 did have 'some anxiety' about visiting their dentist. Approximately
half of the study population regularly gave advice to their patients about
dental care but their knowledge of and reasons for providing oral care and
advice was often incorrect. The group's understanding of the availability o
f dental treatment provided by the National Health Service was also often i
naccurate. It was concluded that a better core knowledge of the orodental c
are of older patients is required by all healthcare professionals who care
for this group. It is also important that individuals in whom anxiety is as
sociated with their own dental experience do not neglect to give orodental
health advice to their patients.