In 1947 Hamburger mapped out his course of action to achieve successfu
l renal transplantation and then undertook what he had predicted. His
steps were as follows: in 1952, graft of a kidney from a mother to her
son, a failure providing more information than any experimental attem
pt; in 1959, a transplantation from a non-identical twin to his irradi
ated brother, a rare success with this dangerous immunosuppression; in
1964, a successful graft from a dead donor, with Dausset's introducti
on of HLA typing to match the donor and the recipient. Hamburger's and
Crosnier's endeavours were interwoven with those of other physicians
and surgeons: in Paris, Kuss and Legrain, in Boston, Murray and, espec
ially, Merrill, with whom Hamburger shared more than a friendship.