PURPOSE: To determine the radiographic findings in five patients with ileal
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A search of radiology files revealed five patients w
ith surgically proved endometriotic implants in the ileum at enteroclysis (
three patients), at small-bowel follow-through (one patient), and at double
-contrast barium enema study (one patient). The radiographic findings were
reviewed retrospectively. Clinical, surgical, and histopathologic findings
were also reviewed.
RESULTS: All five patients were nulliparous women (mean age, 34.4 years; ag
e range, 28-41 years). Four patients presented with abdominal and/or pelvic
pain, but only one of these four had cyclic pain that coincided with menst
ruation. Barium studies revealed endometriotic implants in the terminal ile
um within 10 cm of the ileocecal valve in four patients and in the midileum
in one. The radiographic findings consisted of extrinsic mass effect with
variable spiculation and tethering of folds in two patients, annular lesion
s with spiculated folds and abrupt or tapered borders in two, and a plaquel
ike lesion in one. In four patients who underwent double-contrast barium en
ema studies, associated endometriotic implants were found in the rectosigmo
id colon.
CONCLUSION: Ileal endometriosis usually involves the terminal ileum within
10 cm of the ileocecal valve and manifests as a spectrum of findings on bar
ium studies. Ileal endometriosis should therefore be considered when these
findings are present in young, nulliparous women with abdominal or pelvic p