Deuterium fractionations in cometary ices provide important clues to the or
igin and evolution of comets, Mass spectrometers aboard spaceprobe Giotto r
evealed the first accurate D/H ratios in the water of Comet 1P/Halley. Grou
nd-based observations of HDO in Comets C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake) and C/1995 O1
(Hale-Bopp), the detection of DCN in Comet Hale-Bopp, and upper limits for
several other D-bearing molecules complement our limited sample of D/H meas
urements. On the basis of this data set all Oort cloud comets seem to exhib
it a similar (D/H)(H2O) ratio in H2O, enriched by about a factor of two rel
ative to terrestrial water and approximately one order of magnitude relativ
e to the protosolar value, Oort cloud comets, and by inference also classic
al short-period comets derived from the Kuiper Belt cannot be the only sour
ce for the Earth's oceans. The cometary O/C ratio and dynamical reasons mak
e it difficult to defend an early influx of icy planetesimals from the Jupi
ter zone to the early Earth, D/H measurements of OH groups in phyllosilicat
e rich meteorites suggest a mixture of cometary water and water adsorbed fr
om the nebula by the rocky grains that formed the bulk of the Earth may be
responsible for the terrestrial D/H. The D/H ratio in cometary HCN is 7 tim
es higher than the value in cometary H2O. Species-dependent D-fractionation
s occur at low temperatures and low gas densities via ion-molecule or grain
-surface reactions and cannot be explained by a pure solar nebula chemistry
. It is plausible that cometary volatiles preserved the interstellar D frac
tionation. The observed D abundances set a lower limit to the formation tem
perature of (30 +/- 10) K, Similar numbers can br derived from the ortho-to
-para ratio in cometary water, from the absence of neon in cometary ices an
d the presence of St. Noble gases on Earth and Mars, and the relative abund
ance of cometary hydrocarbons place the comet formation temperature near 50
K. So far all cometary D/H measurements refer to bulk compositions, and it
is conceivable that significant departures from the mean value could occur
at the grain-size level. Strong isotope effects as a result of coma chemis
try can be excluded for molecules H2O and HCN. A comparison of the cometary
(D/H)(H2O) ratio with values found in the atmospheres of the outer planets
is consistent with the lone-held idea that the gas planets formed around i
cy cores with a high cometary D/H ratio and subsequently accumulated signif
icant amounts of H-2 from the solar nebula with a low protosolar D/H.