In two cases, one male and one female, muscular anomalies together with neu
rovascular variations were encountered in the gluteal regions, in each cada
ver on the same side. In the male cadaver, there was a double piriformis mu
scle and high division of the sciatic nerve. In the female cadaver, in addi
tion to these anomalies, the superior and inferior gemelli and obturator in
ternus muscles, and the internal pudendal vessels and pudendal nerve passed
behind the sacrotuberous ligament. Although duplication of the piriformis
and high division of the sciatic nerve have been reported previously, to th
e best of our knowledge the other anomalies have not yet been reported. The
abnormal relationship of the internal pudendal vessels and the pudendal ne
rve with the sacrotuberal ligament, as in our case, may cause venous conges
tion, arterial obstruction, dysfunction of penile erection and perineal neu
ralgia. These anomalies of the gluteal region are not only of academic inte
rest, but may be of practical importance for surgical intervention in the a