We report bilateral muscular and neurovascular anomalies of the gluteal reg
ion in a cadaver. On the right side, the gluteus maximus muscle had two par
ts, one of which was fibrous and the other muscular. In addition, there wer
e duplicated piriformis muscles and high division of the sciatic nerve. The
common peroneal nerve passed between the two parts of the piriformis muscl
e, and the tibial nerve emerged from under the lower piriformis muscle (inf
rapiriform foramen). At the same time the internal pudendal vessels and pud
endal nerve passed over the sacrotuberous ligament on the left side. The do
uble piriformis muscles and high division of the nerve are known as an anom
aly which is believed to cause a nerve compression syndrome called the synd
rome of the piriformis muscle. To the best of our knowledge anomalies of th
e gluteus maximus muscle and pudendal structures have not yet been reported
. This complex anomaly should be kept in mind in connection with intramuscu
lar injections of the gluteal region, the piriformis syndrome, and the surg
ery of this region.