Two anionic fluorescein derivatives can be used for the simple and definiti
ve localization of neuronal degeneration in brain tissue sections. Initial
work on the first generation fluorochrome, Fluoro-Jade, demonstrated the ut
ility of this compound for the detection of neuronal degeneration induced b
y a variety of well-characterized neurotoxicants, including kainic acid, 3-
nitropropionic acid, isoniazid, ibogaine, domoic acid, and dizocilpine male
ate (MK-801). After validation, the tracer was used to reveal previously un
reported sites of neuronal degeneration associated with 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1
,2,3,6-tetrahydropyri (MPTP), methamphetamine, and d-fenfluramine. Prelimin
ary findings with a second generation fluorescein derivative, Fluoro-Jade B
, suggest that this tracer results in staining of optimal contrast and reso
lution in animals dosed with kainic acid. These 2 tracers can be combined w
ith other histologic methods, including immunofluoresence and fluorescent N
issl stains. Recent preliminary findings on a number of specialized applica
tions of Fluoro-Jade include the detection of apoptosis, amyloid plaques, a
strocytes, and dead cells in tissue culture.