Astrocytic brain tumors are the most frequent human gliomas and they includ
e a wide range of neoplasms with distinct clinical, histopathologic, and ge
neric features. Diffuse astrocytomas are predominantly located in the cereb
ral hemispheres of adults and have an inherent tendency to progress to anap
lastic astrocytoma and (secondary) glioblastoma. The majority of glioblasto
mas develop de novo (primary glioblastomas), without an identifiable less-m
alignant precursor lesion. These subtypes of glioblastoma evolve through di
fferent genetic pathways, affect patients at different ages, and are likely
to differ in their responses to therapy. primary glioblastomas occur in ol
der patients and typically show epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) ove
rexpression, PTEN mutations, p16 deletions, and, less frequently, MDM2 ampl
ification. Secondary glioblastomas develop in younger patients and often co
ntain TP53 mutations as their earliest detectable alteration. Morphologic v
ariants of glioblastoma were shown to have intermediate clinical and geneti
c profiles. The giant cell glioblastoma clinically and genetically occupies
a hybrid position between primary (de novo) and secondary glioblastomas. G
liosarcomas show identical gene mutations in the gliomatous and sarcomatous
tumor components, which strongly supports the concept that there is a mono
clonal origin for gliosarcomas and an evolution of the sarcomatous componen
t due to aberrant mesenchymal differentiation in a highly malignant astrocy
tic neoplasm.