The hypothesis that volitional attention is realized by performing several
internal actions in mind was experimentally proved. Volitional attention wa
s tested in 29 children 3,9-4,3 years old; Bourdon's test was applied in th
ree series. The first one required finding and fixation of all the figures
having the same form among 40 different figures. The second and the third s
eries required finding and fixation of two types of figures. For the first
series it was necessary to remember the form, to compare each figure to the
image of given form, to fix identical ones. For the second and the third s
eries it was necessary to remember two forms, to compare each given figure
to these forms separately or to compare each given figure to both forms sim
ultaneously. There were twice as much mistakes in identification with the s
econd form as compared to the first. Afterwards the children were taught to
compare the figures one by one. The retest has shown great progress in ide
ntification of one form in all the series and small progress in identificat
ion of the second form in the second and third series.