This paper represents an overview of cold hardiness research conducted on a
gricultural and horticultural crops, as well as on amenity plants in Finlan
d. Inadequate freezing tolerance and/or winter hardiness often prevents int
roduction of new species and cultivars to Finland. Field observations on wi
nter hardiness and more recently the results from laboratory freezing tests
, have assisted breeders to select hardy genotypes. Research approaches for
agricultural crops have evolved from observations on winter and frost dama
ge to studies on molecular mechanisms of cold acclimation and freezing inju
ry. The results of experiments on survival of winter cereals, grasses and c
lovers and frost tolerance of potato and turnip rape are discussed. The stu
dies conducted on horticultural crops, including apple, strawberry, raspber
ry, currants, blueberry, sea buckthorn, perennial herbs as well as on ornam
ental trees and shrubs have included field evaluations of cultivars, or sel
ections for winter hardiness, and studies on the effects of cultural manage
ment practices on winter survival. During the last decade detailed studies
including controlled freezing tests have provided tools to assist in explan
ation of the underlying mechanisms of cold hardiness also in horticultural