The turbulent kinetic energy aspects related to production and transport in
the wake of a cylinder interacting with a boundary layer have been investi
gated experimentally. Using a simple but efficient technique, the velocity
power spectral characteristics in the intermediate wake were modified to co
mply with the requirements for quasi-two-dimensional behavior, i.e., to dis
play a scaling region deviating from the -5/3 power law, which is typical o
f homogeneous, three-dimensional turbulence. The cylinder was placed parall
el to the plate and normal to the flow, with its wake developing just outsi
de of the boundary layer but with its lower part in contact and interacting
with it. The streamwise and normal-to-the-plate velocity components have b
een recorded simultaneously in the intermediate wake using hot-wire anemome
try. In addition to the calculation of kinetic energy production, third-ord
er correlations of the two velocity fluctuation components, denoting stream
wise and lateral transport of the corresponding kinetic energy terms, have
also been evaluated. There is significant reduction of kinetic energy produ
ction in the lower half wake, in contact with the boundary-layer, as compar
ed to the upper half on the freestream side. This is associated with a cons
iderable buildup of kinetic energy production within the boundary- layer fl
ow. The transport mechanisms in the present how have been investigated and
are discussed to provide a basis for formulation and refinement of numerica
l models and methodologies.