Shock-reflection hysteresis and plume structure in a low-density, axisymmet
ric highly underexpanded air jet is examined using a Navier-Stokes dow solv
er. This type of jet is found in a number of applications, e.g., rocket exh
austs and fuel injectors. The plume structure is complex, involving the int
eraction of several flow features, making this a demanding problem. Two typ
es of shock reflection appear to occur in the plume, regular and Mach, depe
nding on the jet pressure ratio. The existence of a dual solution domain wh
ere either type may occur has been predicted, in agreement with experiment
where the same phenomenon has been observed for a nitrogen jet. There is a
hysteresis in the shock-reflection type; the reflection type observed in th
e dual-solution domain depends on the time history of the plume development
. A quasi-steady approach is employed to calculate the entire hysteresis lo
op. An implicit, multiblock structured, finite volume flow solver is used.
The results of the computational study are used to examine the structure of
the plume and are compared with experimental data where possible. Some flo
w features not initially recognized from experiment have been identified, n
otably curvature of the Mach disk, recirculation behind the Mach disk, and
the regular reflection having Mach-reflection characteristics.