We sought to determine whether reductions in blood pressure in hypertensive
s after acute exercise persist for more than the 2 to 3 h found in controll
ed laboratory settings. Subjects (n = 11) were obese (32 +/- 4% body fat),
sedentary (VO2max 27 +/- 4 mL/kg/min) 60 +/- 6-year-old men with stage I or
2 essential hypertension. Ambulatory blood pressure was recorded on I day
preceded by 45 min of 70% VO2max treadmill exercise and on another day not
preceded by exercise. Systolic blood pressure was lower by 6 to 13 mm Hg fo
r the first 16 h after exercise (P < .05) compared to the day without prior
exercise. Twenty-four-hour, day, and night average systolic blood pressure
s were significantly lower on the day after exercise. There was a trend for
peak systolic blood pressure to be lower during the entire 24 h and the da
y portion of the recording; peak systolic blood pressure was significantly
lower during the night portion of the recording after exercise. Systolic bl
ood pressure load (percent of systolic blood pressure readings >140 mm Hg)
was reduced during the entire 24 h and the day portion of the recording aft
er exercise. Diastolic blood pressure Tvas lower for 12 of the first 16 h a
fter acute exercise (hours 0 to 4, 5 to 8, 13 to 16) (P < .05) compared to
the day without prior exercise. Twenty-four-hour, day, and night average di
astolic blood pressure was also significantly lower on the recording after
exercise. Peak diastolic blood pressure was lower over the entire 24-h peri
od. Diastolic blood pressure load (percent of diastolic blood pressure read
ings >90 mm Hg) was lower during the entire 24 h and the day portion of the
day after exercise. Preliminary data also suggest that common genetic poly
morphisms at the angiotensinogen, lipoprotein lipase, and angiotensin conve
rting enzyme loci may affect the blood pressure-lowering response after acu
te exercise. Thus, in sedentary, obese hypertensive men a single aerobic ex
ercise session reduced blood pressure enough to result in significantly low
er 24-h average systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial blood pressure. This
could result in a reduced cardiovascular load during the 24 h after acute
exercise in older hypertensive men. (C) 2000 American Journal of Hypertensi
on, Ltd.