In the case of phenytoin, a drug that is generally highly protein bound, th
ere is a lack of consensus on the use of charcoal hemoperfusion in cases of
overdose. We performed charcoal hemoperfusion on a phenytoin-overdosed pat
ient to assess the effectiveness of this treatment. The plasma concentratio
ns of total and free phenytoin fell rapidly, from 40.0 mu g/mL and 3.6 mu g
/mL to 16.2 mu g/mL and 1.5 mu g/mL, respectively, after 3 hours of hemoper
fusion, The total phenytoin elimination half-life was 3.9 hours. The fracti
on of protein-bound phenytoin was constant (90.8% +/- 0.5%) before, during,
and after the procedure. The relations between the in vitro protein bindin
g and adsorption of phenytoin to activated charcoal were also examined. Int
erestingly, bound phenytoin was found to dissociate from plasma proteins in
the presence of activated charcoal and subsequently became adsorbed to the
activated charcoal. Considering that phenytoin is bound to albumin with a
large number of binding sites (n = 6) and a small binding constant (K = 6 x
10(3)/mol/L), the extent of adsorption to activated charcoal may depend on
the magnitude of the binding constant of the drug to plasma proteins. The
current results suggest that charcoal hemoperfusion is effective for the re
moval of drugs that bind to plasma proteins with a low binding constant. (C
) 2000 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc.