Talk about past events can be classified as either reminiscing (discussing
shared, experiences) or recounting (discussing unshared experiences). Remin
iscing may have more of a social memory function whereas recounting may als
o be informational. This research focused: on the form of mother-child remi
niscing and recounting during the preschool years. Twenty 40-month-old and
20 58-month-old children reminisced and recounted past events with their mo
thers. Results showed that mothers who provided more memory information dur
ing reminiscing and requested more memory information during recounting had
children who reported more unique information about the events. Regardless
of:maternal conversational style, however, children reported more unique m
emory information during recounting than reminiscing. We discuss these resu
lts in terms of the importance of both forms of remembering for autobiograp
hical memory development. Copyright (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.