In the search for new anti-arrhythmic substances we discovered the class II
I activity of aminocarboxamides. These compounds show a prolongation of the
effective refractory period. With some of them the prolongation is more pr
onounced after faster than after slower stimulation of the guinea pig papil
lary muscle. They should therefore he of interest in the treatment of cardi
ac arrhythmias after myocardial infarction and atrial fibrillation. The che
mical synthesis, the structure-activity relationships of the new derivative
s, their efficacy on the action potential duration (APD) and the effective
refractory period (ERP) in vitro of isolated guinea pig papillary muscles a
re described and discussed in this paper. Since AWD 160-275 (13) and AWD 23
-111 (14) exerted a pronounced APD(90) and ERP prolongation at faster stimu
lation, they were selected for further electrophysiological characterizatio
n in vitro and in vivo. Anti-arrhythmic and pro-arrhythmic effects were det
ermined in several animal models in comparison with dofetilide. sematilide,
and sotalol. 13 was found to be effective in preventing programmed electri
cal stimulation-induced arrhythmias in anaesthetized dogs and may therefore
contribute to the therapy of dysrhythmias after myocardial infarction. The
pro-arrhythmic effect of 14, investigated in a model of triggered activity
in chloralose-anaesthetized rabbits under methoxamine infusion, is low in
comparison with other class III anti-arrhythmics.