The choledochal cyst is a rare congenital disorder usually diagnosed in chi
ldhood. it requires a complete surgical resection to prevent complications
particularly the risk of malignant changes. At present, the preoperative ex
amination requires a direct opacification of the biliary tree, but this is
an invasive technique with a high risk of infection, especially in pediatri
c patients.
Case report. - A choledochal cyst was diagnosed in a five-year-old girl wit
h recurrent abdominal pain. Diagnosis was made by ultrasound and preoperati
ve evaluation by magnetic resonance-cholangiopancreatography using single-s
hot fast-spin echo sequences. A complete correlation was observed between s
urgical, preoperative cholangiography and MRCP data.
Conclusion. - Recent improvements in MRCP techniques provide a complete ana
tomic analysis of choledochal cysts enabling one to diagnose an anomalous j
unction of the pancreaticobiliary duct, even the presence of stones within
the biliary tree. This short and noninvasive examination should in the futu
re replace direct opacification of the biliary tree for the preoperative as
sessment of choledochal cysts. (C) 2000 Editions scientifiques et medicales
Elsevier SAS.