The capsid protein encoding genes of five recent type Asia1 foot-and-mouth
disease virus isolates, representative of three genotypes, were sequenced.
The deduced amino acid sequences were aligned to each other and to two publ
ished sequences. The sequence differences suggested different antigenic pro
perties of the isolates. One isolate was used to generate monoclonal antibo
dies (mAbs) which were analyzed for neutralizing activity and reactivity wi
th trypsinized virus. Trypsin removes the major antigenic sites located at
VP1. The five virus isolates formed three reaction patterns with the mAbs,
irrespective of their genotype. Combination of all data allowed to suggest
the location of the epitope of each antibody: the VP1 G-H and the VP2 B-C l
oop, the VP3 B-B knob, and the N-terminus of VP2, respectively, were involv