Background: Intracranial hemorrhage in pregnant patients with Moyamoya dise
ase is rare. We review the case of one such patient who presented with pre-
eclampsia and a catastrophic intracerebral hemorrhage in order to highlight
the associated management difficulties. Methods: A case of a pregnant (31
weeks) female brought to the emergency department with hypertension and a p
rogressive decrease in her level of consciousness is presented. She rapidly
developed a dilated right pupil and left extensor posturing. A CT scan of
her head showed a large putamenal intracerebral hemorrhage. She was intubat
ed, ventilated and given intravenous mannitol and magnesium sulfate. She un
derwent a simultaneous craniotomy and Cesarean section. Post-operatively th
e patient's ICP and jugular venous saturation were monitored in the intensi
ve care unit. Results: The patient delivered a 1185g infant who did well. T
he patient's ICP was well controlled until the tenth post-operative day whe
n she developed malignant brain edema and died. Conclusion: This case highl
ights three important points. First, simultaneous craniotomy and Cesarean s
ection can be performed. Second, intraoperative control of bleeding Moyamoy
a vessels is described. Third, the difficult post-operative management of t
hese cases is highlighted. The literature regarding Moyamoya disease and pr
egnancy is reviewed and some recommendations for the management of this rar
e but potentially deadly condition are presented.