The gymnotid electric fish, Eigenmannia virescens, exhibits electric discha
rge rhythmicity both in alternate light-dark (LD; 12h light, 12h dark [LD 1
2:12]) and in constant dark (DD) conditions. It suggests that the electric
discharge rhythm is under control of the circadian clock. The free-running
periods (FRPs) of electric discharge rhythms at 21 degrees C in DD are grea
ter than, but close to, 24h. The maximum of the electric discharge in the E
igenmannia system peaks approximately at circadian time 6 (CT6) in the midd
le of the subjective day. The circadian oscillator in the system is tempera
ture compensated. This original report reveals the relationship between ele
ctric discharge activity and the circadian pacemaker in Eigenmannia and pro
vides an alternative system to investigate circadian rhythms in vertebrates