The 90 kDa heat-shock proteins (HSP90s) play important roles during stress
situations as general chaperones and under physiological conditions in the
conformational activation of specific protein substrates, Vertebrates expre
ss two cytosolic HSP90s (HSP90 alpha and HSP90 beta) ubiquitously, We have
mutated the Hsp90 beta gene in murine embryonic stem cells and generated Hs
p90 beta mutant mice, Heterozygous animals were phenotypically normal. Inte
restingly, homozygous embryos developed normally until embryonic day 9.0/9.
5. Then, although Hsp90 beta is expressed ubiquitously, they exhibited phen
otypic abnormalities restricted to the placenta. The mutant concepti failed
to form a fetal placental labyrinth and died a day later. Fusion between t
he allantois and the chorionic plate occurred, allantoic blood vessels inva
ded the chorion, but then did not expand. Mutant trophoblast cells failed t
o differentiate into trilaminar labyrinthine trophoblast. Despite conspicuo
us similarities between HSP90 alpha and HSP90 beta at the molecular level,
our data suggest that HSP90 beta has a key role in placenta development tha
t cannot be performed by the endogenous HSP90 alpha alone. Analysis of chim
eric concepti consisting of mutant embryos and tetraploid embryos or ES cel
ls revealed that wild-type allantois was able to induce mutant trophoblast
to differentiate. In contrast, trophoblast wild type at the Hsp90 beta locu
s was unable to differentiate when in contact with mutant allantois, Theref
ore, the primary defect caused by the Hsp90 beta mutation resided in the al
lantois, The allantois mesoderm is thought to induce trophoblast differenti
ation. Our results show that Hsp90 beta is a necessary component of this in
duction process.