Our ability to predict whether elevated atmospheric CO2 will alter the cycl
ing of C and N in terrestrial ecosystems requires understanding a complex s
et of feedback mechanisms initiated by changes in C and N acquisition by pl
ants and the degree to which changes in resource acquisition (C and N) alte
r plant growth and allocation. To gain further insight into these dynamics,
we grew six genotypes of Populus tremuloides Michx. that differ in autumna
l senescence (early vs, late) under experimental atmospheric CO2 (35.7 and
70.7 Pa) and soil-N availability (low and high) treatments. Atmospheric CO2
concentrations were manipulated with open-top chambers, and soil-N availab
ility was modified in open-bottom root boxes by mixing different proportion
s of native A and C horizon soil. Net N mineralization rates averaged 61 ng
N.g(-1).d(-1) in low-N soil and 319 ng N.g(-1).d(-1) in high-N soil. After
2.5 growing seasons, we harvested above- and belowground plant components
in each chamber and determined total biomass, N concentration, N content, a
nd the relative allocation of biomass and N to leaves, stems, and roots.
Elevated CO2 increased total plant biomass 16% in low-N soil and 38% in hig
h-N soil, indicating that the growth response of P. tremuloides to elevated
CO2 was constrained by soil-N availability. Greater growth under elevated
CO2 did not substantially alter the allocation of biomass to above- or belo
wground plant components. At both levels of soil-N availability, elevated C
O2 decreased the N concentration of all plant tissues. Despite declines in
tissue N concentration, elevated CO2 significantly increased whole-plant N
content in high-N soil (ambient = 137 g N/chamber; elevated = 155 g N/chamb
er), but it did not influence whole-plant N content in low-N soil (36 g N/c
hamber). Our results indicate that plants in high-N soil obtained greater a
mounts of soil N under elevated CO2 by producing a proportionately larger f
ine-root system that more thoroughly exploited the soil. The significant po
sitive relationship between fine-root biomass and total-plant N content we
observed in high-N soil further supports this contention. In low-N soil, el
evated CO did not increase fine-root biomass or production, and plants unde
r ambient and elevated CO2 obtained equivalent amounts of N from soil. In h
igh-N soil, it appears that greater acquisition of soil N under elevated CO
2 fed forward within the plant to increase rates of C acquisition, which fu
rther enhanced plant growth response to elevated CO2.