Humpback whales summer at high latitudes where they feed and winter at low
latitudes where they aggregate for breeding. While on the breeding grounds
in Hawaii, male humpbacks space themselves and "sing" the long "songs" that
have fascinated scientists and poets. Female humpbacks are outnumbered by
males and generally ignore or avoid singing males: however, singers often a
bruptly stop singing and then sw im quickly toward distant nonvocalizing wh
ales, Humpback song has usually been explained as sexual advertisement. The
suggestion that song is a form of sonar has been dismissed by cetologists
on the grounds that the humpback whale song does not resemble the click tra
ins used by toothed whales for echolocation, and that the signal-to-noise r
atios of echoes from humpback song are too low for detection. In this paper
, we examine humpback whale song and associated behaviors in the light of m
odern advances in underwater sound and signal processing, buttressing our e
arlier conclusion that humpback whale song is a long-range sonar used by ma
le humphacks to locate other whales on the breeding ground. Simulations wit
h the parabolic equation show that the acoustic environment of the breeding
ground (100-500 m water depth, weak surface duct, and sandy bottom) is oft
en excellent for sonar in the 4-5 octave band of humpback song, enabling si
ngers to locate other pods at ranges up to 6 km, All humpback whale behavio
rs are consistent with the sonar model. In particular, the sonar model expl
ains how singing males find nonvocalizing females, despite the fact that fe
males generally ignore or avoid singers. It also explains why males hardly
ever sing while in the company of females or while competing with other mal
es for the position of primary escort. A secondary purpose of the paper is
to allay a confusion in the cetology literature between specialized structu
res for high frequency localization and echolocation itself, which takes pl
ace in the brain. Modern sonar algorithms, which do not require click-type
sources and which appear to be mimicked in more robust forms in the brains
of bats, suggest that, when dealing with any cetacean, it is always more co
nservative to presume that echoes are being used than that they are not bei
ng used. Many cetacean vocalizations currently thought to be exclusively fo
r communication undoubtedly also have a sonar function. An experiment is pr
oposed to test the humpback sonar model.