A quantum-chemical model for electrostatic effects (QCMEE) in biomolecules
is applied to the reductive half-reaction of glucose oxidase. The electrost
atic influence of the enzyme on its active center is estimated. Six differe
nt states of protonation of the active center are compared by a hybrid meth
od where the relative energies of the active center states are calculated a
b initio and the relative energies of the electrostatic interaction between
the active center and the rest enzyme are calculated by the quantum-chemic
al model. These model calculations comprise the total enzyme consisting of
8784 atoms. It is found that the double protonation of the histidine group
His516 is greatly stabilized by the electrostatic interaction with the rest
enzyme. This explains the experimental findings that His516 is essential f
or the function of the enzyme. (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.