The relatively slow rate of application of radar rainfall to operational hy
drology is partially due to concerns about the measurement errors. The erro
rs that result in a bias in the field mean have been studied extensively an
d can to some extent be treated, but errors that manifest themselves as mor
e or less white noise become important when considering what scale is appro
priate for spatially distributed hydrological modeling. This paper evaluate
s the errors that arise: in radar estimates of rainfall as a result of temp
oral sampling, spatial averaging, measuring the field at some distance abov
e the ground, and recording the reflectivity data with a limited radiometri
c resolution. By far the most significant source of error was found to be d
ue to measuring the field at some height above the ground. The mean standar
d difference in rainfall rate between fields separated by 1 km in height at
1 km spatial resolution was found to be of the order of 100% of the mean r
ainfall rate. When the spatial resolution is reduced to 5 km the mean stand
ard difference between the fields with the same 1 km vertical separation fe
ll to about 50% of the mean rainfall rate. Temporal sampling was found to b
e quite sensitive to the intermittency of the rain field being sampled. The
mean standard error caused by 2-min sampling for 10-min accumulations decr
eased from 14% for scattered rainfall to 8% for widespread rainfall.