The authors studied interrelationships between plasma levels of amino acids
, physical condition (as apparent from cortisol, albumin, and thyroid hormo
ne concentrations), and postoperative delirium in 296 patients undergoing e
lective cardiac surgery. Both plasma tryptophan (Trp) and ratio of Tup to t
he other large neutral amino acids (oLNAA) were reduced in delirious patien
ts compared with control patients. The lower availability of Tup far the br
ain in delirious patients may lead to decreased serotonergic function. Besi
des, the ratio of phenylalanine (Phe) to the oLNAA was increased in deliriu
m, which may result in a higher synthesis of cerebral dopamine and norepine
phrine. Delirious patients were also in poorer physi- cal condition than no
ndelirious patients, having decreased albumin level and increased untie of
inactive reverse triiodothyronine (T-3) to active T-3. Decreased Trp and in
creased Phe availability may give rise to an imbalance in cerebral neurotra
nsmitters and thus contribute to delirium.