The effects of a periodic hexagonal lattice of columnar defects on the curv
es of magnetic induction B(H), vortex-lattice melting T-m(H) and critical c
urrent density J(c)(H) versus external field H are investigated, including
the effects of vortex interaction, thermal and quantum fluctuations, an app
lied current drive and columnar pin disorder. It is found theoretically tha
t the smallest slope of B(H) occurs when the magnetic induction B matches t
he regular pinning field n(pin)phi(0) over a finite range of H. This commen
suration leads to an inhibition of the vortex-lattice melting and a large e
nhancement of the critical current density, i.e., the curves of T-m(H) and
J(c)(H) each have a series of broad plateaus. The applied current drive, el
ectric field-like in form, shifts this melting curve downwards. J(c)(T) is
the power-3/2 temperature decay at intermediate temperatures and decays exp
onentially to zero at high temperatures. The pin disorder and ion stragglin
g reduce these favourable effects and wash out the plateaus when they becom
e equal to certain critical values.