Background: Subungual melanoma is a relatively rare disease with reported i
ncidence between 0.7% to 3.5% of all melanoma cases in the general populati
on. Unlike the significant improvement in the diagnosis of cutaneous melano
ma, the diagnosis of subungual melanoma has shown little, if any, improveme
nt over the years. The widespread adoption of the ABCDs of cutaneous melano
ma has helped increase public and physician awareness, and thus helped incr
ease the early detection of cutaneous melanoma; the same criteria cannot be
applied to the examination of the nail pigmentation.
Objective: We reviewed the world literature an subungual melanoma and arran
ged the available information into a system for the identification of subun
gual melanoma. This system has to be thorough, easy to remember, and easy t
o apply by both physician and lay public. A case to illustrate the delayed
diagnosis often encountered in the current evaluation of nail melanoma is p
Methods: A thorough review of the world literature on subungual melanoma wa
s undertaken. The important findings of various studies and case reports we
re compared among themselves and the salient features were summarized. The
information was then categorized under the easily recalled letters of the a
lphabet, ABCD, that have already become associated with melanoma.
Results: The most salient features of subungual melanoma can be summarized
according to the newly devised criteria that may be categorized under the f
irst letters of the alphabet, namely ABCDEF of subungual melanoma. In this
system A stands for age (peak incidence being in the 5th to 7th decades of
life and African Americans, Asians, and native Americans in whom subungual
melanoma accounts for up to one third of all melanoma cases. B stands for b
rown to black band with breadth of 3 mm or more and variegated borders. C s
tands for change in the nail band or lack of change in the nail morphology
despite, presumably, adequate treatment. D stands for the digit most common
ly involved; E stands for extension of the pigment onto the proximal and/or
lateral nailfold tie, Hutchinson's sign); and F stands for family or perso
nal history of dysplastic nevus or melanoma.
Conclusion: Although each letter of the alphabet of subungual melanoma is i
mportant, one must use all the letters together to improve early detection
and thus survival of subungual melanoma. Still, as with cutaneous melanoma,
the absolute diagnosis of subungual melanoma is made by means of a biopsy.