Under a notion of "splitting" the existence of a unique invariant probabili
ty, and a geometric rate of convergence to it in an appropriate metric, are
established for Markov processes on a general state space S generated by i
terations of i.i.d. maps on S. As corollaries we derive extensions of earli
er results of Dubins and Freedman;((17)) Yahav;((30)) and BhattacharSia and
Lee((6)) for monotone maps. The general theorem applies in other contexts
as well. It is also shown that the Dubins-Freedman result on the "necessity
" of splitting in the case of increasing maps does not hold for decreasing
maps, although the sufficiency part holds for both. In addition, the asympt
otic stationarity of the process generated by i.i.d, nondecreasing maps is
established without the requirement of continuity. Finally, the theory is a
pplied to the random iteration of two (nonmonotone) quadratic maps each wit
h two repelling fixed points and an attractive period-two orbit.