The phytoremediation of metal-contaminated soils offers a low-cost met
hod for soil remediation and some extracted metals may be recycled for
value. Both the phytoextraction of metals and the phytovolatilization
of Se or Hg by plants offer great promise for commercial development.
Natural metal hyperaccumulator phenotype is much more important than
high-yield ability when using plants to remove metals from contaminate
d soils. The hypertolerance of metals is the key plant characteristic
required for hyperaccumulation; vacuolar compartmentalization appears
to be the source of hypertolerance of natural hyperaccumulator plants.
Alternatively, soil Pb and Cr6+ may be inactivated in the soil by pla
nts and soil amendments (phytostabilization). Little molecular underst
anding of plant activities critical to phytoremediation has been achie
ved, but recent progress in characterizing Fe, Cd and Zn uptake by Ara
bidopsis and yeast mutants indicates strategies for developing transge
nic improved phytoremediation cultivars for commercial use. (C) Curren
t Biology Ltd.