Background: AF-4 is a common partner gene of MLL, AF-4 breakpoints occur in
introns, but most AF-4 introns are uncharacterized.
Methods and Results: We cloned AF-4 intron 4 and examined the frequency of
breakpoints in this intron. The 5.8-kb intron is rich in repeat sequences a
nd was the site of translocation in 3 of 17 leukemias with t(4;11). We clon
ed the der (11) and der (4) breakpoints and isolated the fusion transcripts
in the cell line MV4-11 and in a de novo acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL
). Both translocations joined MLL intron 6 and AF-4 intron 4. In MV4-11,249
bases from AF-4 were present in both derivative chromosomes, indicating du
plication. In the de novo ALL, duplication of 446 bases from MLL and AF-4 o
ccurred. Reciprocal fusion transcripts were expressed.
Conclusions: Intronic sequence of AF-4 is useful for molecular diagnosis of
t(4;11). Duplicated intronic regions suggest staggered chromosomal breakag