Comparative brain proteome analysis is a new strategy to discover proteins
and therefore genes whose altered expression may underlie schizophrenia. Th
is strategy does not require an a priori theory of the pathogenesis or the
mode of inheritance of schizophrenia. Using proteome analysis we previously
compared the hippocampal proteome, that is, those proteins expressed by th
e hippocampal genome, of seven schizophrenic individuals with the hippocamp
al proteome of seven control individuals, matched for age and post mortem d
elay.(1) We found 18 proteins that were significantly altered in concentrat
ion in the schizophrenic hippocampus (P < 0.05), when compared to control t
issue. One of these proteins was characterised, by N-terminal sequencing, a
s diazepam binding inhibitor whose gene maps to 6q12-q21. Here we character
ise a further three of the 18 proteins as: manganese superoxide dismutase,
6q25.3, T-complex protein 1, 6q25,3-q26 and collapsin response mediator pro
tein 2, 8p21. That three of these four characterised proteins should map to
the long arm of the same chromosome is significant (P < 0.002) and suggest
s the importance of chromosome 6q in schizophrenia. These results indicate
that antioxidant defence is altered in the schizophrenic hippocampus and su
ggest that segregation distortion, of schizophrenia susceptibility genes, m
ay be a possible causative factor in the high incidence of schizophrenia.