Objective: To examine the independent effects of the APOE genotype (APOE) a
nd concordance for AD in tu in pairs on the occurrence of AD in first-degre
e relatives. Background: Studies of twins have been undertaken to investiga
te the influence of genes in a variety of conditions, including AD. A previ
ous study, performed before reports linking APOE to AD, demonstrated an inc
rease in AD among first-degree relatives of twins concordant for AD compare
d with relatives-of discordant twins. Methods: In a sample of 94 twin pairs
the authors examined the association between concordance for AD within the
twin pair and family history of AD among first-degree relatives of twins.
They then examined the extent to which the presence of the APOE epsilon 4 a
llele in the twin pair explains the association between concordance for AD
within the twin pair and family history of AD. Results: Concordance among t
wins was associated with increased risk of AD among relatives (logrank test
, chi(2) = 12.558; p = 0.0004), and the presence of at least one APOE epsil
on 4 allele in each member of the twin pair is also associated with increas
ed risk of AD among family members (logrank test, chi(2) = 7.712; p = 0.005
5). Conclusions: APOE genotype explains:much but not all of the association
between concordance among twins and increased familial risk of AD.