Objectives: To establish the role of high-resolution CT imaging and tests o
f vestibulocollic reflexes in diagnosing and understanding the pathogenesis
of the Tullio phenomenon. Background: The Tullio phenomenon is a syndrome
in which acoustic stimulation produces symptoms and signs of vestibular act
ivation. It has previously been associated with an abnormally low threshold
for click-evoked vestibulocollic responses and also with dehiscence of the
roof of the anterior (superior) semicircular canal on high-resolution CT s
cans of the temporal bones. Methods: High-resolution CT scans of the tempor
al bones and vestibulocollic responses in sternocleidomastoid to both click
s and transmastoid galvanic stimulation (3 mA/2 msec) were studied in four
patients with the Tullio phenomenon (one bilateral). Results: Click-evoked
thresholds were low for all affected ears (four at 65 dB nHL, one at 55 dB
nHL) and normal (>70 dB nHL) for the three unaffected ears. In contrast, ga
lvanic-evoked vestibulocollic responses were symmetric and of normal size i
n all patients. The bony roof of the anterior (superior) semicircular canal
was thin, possibly absent, on CT of all affected ears and also in two out
of three unaffected ears. Conclusions: The normal galvanic vestibulocollic
responses indicate that sound sensitivity in patients with the Tullio pheno
menon is likely to occur distal to the vestibular nerve, probably at the le
vel of the receptors. Both click hypersensitivity and dehiscence of the ant
erior (superior) semicircular canal are associated with the Tullio phenomen
on but as the CT scan abnormality can occur in clinically unaffected ears,
click testing is important for specific diagnosis. Abnormal sound sensitivi
ty, as demonstrated by click responses, confirms that the radiologic abnorm
ality is function significant.