In studies with a laboratory isolate of the fungal pathogen Stagonospora (S
eptoria) nodorum three different isolates of bacteria were closely associat
ed with the fungus. Bacteria were also closely associated with fresh isolat
es of S. nodorum obtained from artificially and naturally infected field ma
terial. Although a range of bacteria was isolated, only one type of bacteri
um was found to be associated with each isolate of S. nodorum. In co-inocul
ation studies with pycnidiospores of the fungus on detached leaves, some of
the bacterial isolates significantly increased the pathogenicity of the fu
ngus, particularly Xanthomonas maltophilia, Sphingobacterium multivorum, En
terobacter agglomerans and Erwinia amylovora. Evidence is presented indicat
ing that one of the ways that the 'helper bacteria' may assist in the estab
lishment of infections is by the production of lipases that were not detect
ed in germinating fungal spores.