In many studies of the mammalian brain, subjective assessments of connectiv
ity patterns and connection strengths have been used to subdivide the corte
x into separate but linked areas and to make deductions about the flow of i
nformation through the cortical network. Here we describe the results of ap
plying statistical analyses to quantitative corticocortical connection data
, and the conclusions that can be drawn from such quantitative approaches.
Injections of the tracer WGA-HRP were made into different visual areas eith
er side of the middle suprasylvian sulcus (MSS) in 11 adult cats. Retrograd
ely labelled cells produced by these injections were counted in selected co
ronal sections taken at regularly spaced intervals (1 mm) through the entir
e visual cortex, and their cumulative sums and relative proportions in each
of 16 recognized visual cortical areas were computed. The surface dimensio
ns of these areas were measured in each cat, from contour lines made on enl
arged drawings of the same sections. A total of 116 149 labelled neurons we
re assigned to all visual cortical areas in the 11 cats, with 5212 others e
xcluded because of their uncertain location. The distribution of relative c
onnection strengths, that is, the percentage of labelled cells per cortical
area, was evaluated using non-parametric cluster analyses and Monte Carlo
simulation, and relationships between connection strength and area size wer
e examined by linear regression.
The absolute size of each visual cortical area was uniform across individua
l cats, whereas the strengths of connections between the same area pairs we
re extremely variable for injections in different animals. The overall dist
ribution of labelling strengths for corticocortical connections was continu
ous and monotonic, rather than inherently clustered, with the highest frequ
encies presented by the absent (zero density) and the very-low-density conn
ections. These two categories could not, on analytical grounds, be separate
d from each other. Thus it seems that any subjective description of cortico
cortical connectivity strengths by ordinal classes (such as 'absent', 'weak
', 'moderate' or 'strong') imposes a categorization on the data, rather tha
n recognizes a structure inherent in the data themselves.
Despite the great variability of connections, similarities in the distribut
ion profiles for the relative strengths of labelled cells in all areas coul
d be used to identify clusters of different injection sites in the MSS. Thi
s supported the conclusion that there are four connectionally distinct subd
ivisions of this cortex, corresponding to areas 21a, PMLS and AMLS (in the
medial bank) and to area PLLS (in the lateral bank). Even for tracer deposi
ts in the same cortical subdivision, however, the strength of connections p
rojecting to the site from other cortical areas varied greatly across injec
tion in different individual animals. We further demonstrated that, on aver
age, the strength of connections originating from any given cortical area w
as positively and linearly correlated with the size of its surface dimensio
ns. When analysed by specific injection site location, however, this relati
onship was shown to hold for the individual connections to the medial bank
MSS areas, but not for connections leading to the lateral bank area. The da
ta suggest that connectivity of the cat's visual cortex possesses a number
of uniform global features, which are locally organized in such a way as to
give each cortical area unique characteristics.